Q: What could I do with golfer's elbow? My elbow is killing me when I do bicep curls.
There is a video by Rick which can help you correct your form when doing the biceps curls. In the video, he'll explain why people get elbow pain such as golfer's elbow/ tennis elbow while exercising. Here are the links to the videos that will help improve your elbow pain:
5 Rules to Ease Elbow Pain When Doing Biceps Curls in the Gym:
3 Exercises to Skip If You Have Golfer's Elbow or Medial Elbow Pain:
Aside from those videos, what you can do also is to first relieve the pain on your elbow by applying cold compress (for injuries less than 72 hours) or warm compress (for injuries more than 72 hours) for 10-15 minutes on the painful area. You might want to check for skin blanching every 5 minutes to avoid burning the area. After the cold/warm compress, you may try some range of motion exercise for your wrist. You can do this by bending your elbow and just move the wrist upward-downward and inward-outward in a pain-free range for about 10 times each. Then you can stretch your wrist flexors gently by extending your arm in front of you with the palm pointing towards the ceiling, and using the other hand, pull the hand towards you. The stretch is felt on the wrist flexors and you can hold this for 20-30 seconds and repeat for 3 times. You can do isometric strengthening of your wrist flexors when there is no more pain on the area.
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