Plantar fibromatosis is a condition in which excess collagen or fibrotic tissue in the feet creates hard nodules just under the skin. These nodules typically occur on the bottom of the foot and right under the arch. Frequently, they will slowly enlarge causing pain while walking. Their cause cannot always be determined. Individuals who participate in high intensity repetitive activities such as running and jumping and those with plantar fasciitis are at the highest risk. Treatment consists of padding the area to reduce pressure. Functional foot orthotics will take the strain off of the plantar fascia ligament and sometimes cause the fibromas to shrink in size. In cases where none of those help then surgery might be indicated.
Whenever surgery is contemplated, the patient should wear a functional foot orthotic following the surgery to accommodate for the loss of the plantar fascia and its effect on foot function. Nonsurgical treatment may help relieve the pain of a plantar fibroma, although it will not make the mass disappear. The foot and ankle surgeon may select one or more of the following nonsurgical options:
- Steroid injections. Injecting corticosteroid medication into the mass may help shrink it and thereby relieve the pain that occurs when walking. This reduction may only be temporary and the fibroma could slowly return to its original size.
- Orthotic devices. If the fibroma is stable, meaning it is not changing in size, custom orthotic devices (shoe inserts) may relieve the pain by distributing the patient’s weight away from the fibroma.
If the mass increases in size or pain, the patient should be further evaluated. Surgical treatment to remove the fibroma is considered if the patient continues to experience pain following nonsurgical approaches.
We currently do not have specific program to address the condition but we suggest stretching to loosen the muscles and soft tissue in the calf, plantar fascia and arch of the foot can help. You can check on the links below for some of the stretching exercises you can do and here are the links
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