Pain-related Issues & Conditions
Back Conditions
- Low back tightness, is it safe to do the the knees to chest movement?
- Any program suggestion for L5 S1 herniated disc?
- Any suggestions for severe quadratus lumborum pain?
- Any recommendations for sacroiliac joint dysfunction?
- Back Pain due to Too Much Sitting
- Any suggestions for Sciatic Nerve Pain?
Elbow Conditions
- Any treatments for sore and tight elbow of the lateral epicondyle?
- Golfer's Elbow - "What could I do with golfer's elbow? My elbow is killing me when I do bicep curls."
- I have Cubital Tunnel Syndrome on my right elbow. Any ideas on how to make it better without surgery?
- Is it normal to feel a `click` on my elbow when doing bench press?
- Lateral is the thumb side and medial is the pinkie finger side? And how many of the exercises to do per day?
- How do I fix elbow pain while weightlifting?
Foot and Ankle Conditions
- I have FOOT-DROP from my MS. My right leg just will not move. What do I need to do?
- What would you recommend to someone who has Plantar Fasciitis?
- What is the treatment and management for Achilles Tendinitis?
- Any exercise recommendation for a recent ankle surgery?
- Any suggestions for plantar fibromatosis?
- What do you recommend for triple arthrodesis on both ankles?
Hand and Wrist Conditions
- Any suggestions for Carpal tunnels in both hands?
- Any suggestions for hand and wrist pain?
- What are the exercises for Wrist Pain?
- Carpal Tunnel Surgery: Strengthening Exercises
- I have De Quervain's tenosynovitis. Can you point me in the right direction?
- What to do if you have wrist pain when doing Yoga?
Head and Neck Conditions
- What causes pain? on my back, neck, and shoulder when I sleep on my side?
- Best Exercise for Neck Health
- What do you recommend for someone who had C5, C6 & C7 Anterior Cervical Fusion?
- What kind of Pillow to use and Sleeping Position if you have neck pain?
- My throat hurts when I walk or swim?
- What happens in the upper back during a neck retraction?
Hip Conditions
- Is it safe to do these exercises for someone with abdominal implants?
- Suggestions for hip pain with arthritis and degeneration of discs?
- I sit a lot all day and I’m starting to have right hip pain, what can I do?
- Groin Pain - "My hips hurt so bad in the groin area. I also had shoulder surgery. What do I need to do?"
- Why do I feel hip pain every time I play cricket?
- Nerve Pain in the leg and hip. Is this sciatica pain?
Knee Conditions
- Do you have a program for a Runner’s Knee?
- Any advice for the pain in hamstring area after strenuous activity?
- My calves are tight, any recommendations?
- What exercises can I do to gain flexibility after an ACL tear?
- What exercises do you recommend to address knee pain?
- What exercises do you suggest after knee replacements?
Sacroiliac Conditions
- Can the Hip Flexor Muscle cause the SI joint pain, Sacral rotation, one ileum to be higher than the other and snapping sound on the left side of the body?
- APT (Anterior Pelvic Tilt) - Hamstring Stretches
- What do you recommend for pain when walking?
- APT (Anterior Pelvic Tilt) - Is it the same with herniated disc?
- APT (Anterior Pelvic Tilt) - Is it the same with hyperlordosis?
- APT (Anterior Pelvic Tilt) - Recovery Period
Shoulder Conditions
- *Any suggestions for my recurring right shoulder pain?
- Any recommended medical centers for someone who has neuromicrosurgery at C5/6?
- Any suggestions on what to do during the long hour drive that may help for my stiff neck and shoulders?
- Does excessive driving cause shoulder pain?
- Pain in front of my shoulder and worsens when I lift my arm sideways just about shoulder level.
- Do Dips and Sit Ups cause injury?
Systemic Conditions
Musculoskeletal Conditions
- Does Unlock Your Hip Flexor program help with restless leg syndrome?
- Can your hip flexors program help with Multiple Sclerosis and (HNPP)Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsy?
- Is it safe to do the hip flexor exercises for someone with inguinal hernia?
- Does the Unlock Your Hip Flexor program work for an abdominal hernia?
- Will the Unlock Your Hip Flexor program help someone who had surgical removal of tailbone (coccygectomy)?
- Can the Unlock Your Hip Flexor program help ataxia?