We guarantee a one hundred percent (100%) satisfaction or you can get your money back. If you are unsatisfied with our product, you can request for a no-questions-asked refund of the full purchase price of your order within sixty (60) days from the order date.
To request for a refund, you must follow the following procedures:
- Please send an email to support@LifelongWellness.org, or call 1-888-291-2430 (toll-free in the USA and Canada), or send SMS to 1-888-229-4992.
- The refund will be issued only to the same credit card or payment method that was used to order the product.
- Please wait for at least 7 business days before the refund is reflected on your account.
To know more about our refund policy, you can also visit https://exercisesforinjuries.com/cancellations/.
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